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Reasons to Maintain A Healthy Roof:

Reasons to Maintain A Healthy Roof: Like with your car and the rest of your home, your roof requires maintenance to continue functioning at its top performance. Most people would acknowledge that their roof needs regular maintenance, but not everyone takes the time to...

When Are Sloped Roofs Beneficial?

When Are Sloped Roofs Beneficial? Roofs can be both sloped and flat. Most commonly, sloped roofs are seen on residential homes while flat roofs are typically seen on commercial buildings. But what is the main difference? When are sloped roofs seen as more beneficial?...

What Are Designer Shingles?

What are Designer Shingles? While most homes are covered by generic asphalt shingles, a relatively new trend has hit the roofing industry. More and more homeowners have decided to have roofs installed that show off their personal style. These designer shingles make...

Is It Time For A New Roof?

Is It Time For A New Roof? Your roof has a certain lifetime just like almost every other product you purchase. Typically, roofs will last about 20 to 30 years before you need to replace them. This timeline can vary significantly depending on the amount of maintenance...